NORTHERN WHEATEAR: more video clips

POST NOTE: The bird was about 50-60 feet away in the top pic as it had flown into a woodpile about 50 feet from me. The bird was more than 75 feet away in the bottom pic and on the other side of a barbed wire fence (slightly visible) in a field.
In the top video clip the Northern Wheatear I videoscoped on Jan 6 in Bee County,Texas actually perches in one position for 19 seconds (quite awhile for this bird) on top the wood-pile then quickly flies down out of view.
In the top video clip the bird bends forward as though to pick up a seed, then gives a rear view as it bobs it's tail. At the end it turns, looks towards the birders then scurries quickly out of view. By the way, I haven't noted that I am hand-holding the camera to my spotting scope so sometimes I'm not perfectly still. Stay tuned to next post for last video clip. SeEtta


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