Evening Grosbeaks feeding fledgling in feeder tray

The brief video clip below also shows a fledgling fluttering it's wings to beg the adult to feed it then being fed. Evening Grosbeaks--feeding fledgling from SeEtta Moss on Vimeo.
Last week I started hearing Evening Grosbeak calls so I put out the tray feeders with black oil sunflower seeds (they are so big they do best with tray feeders). I expect that these are some of the Evening Grosbeaks that spent spring in my neighborhood then left in May to go to their breeding locales at higher elevation. I am pleased that only about 1 dozen of the 3 dozen or so birds did returned as the larger flock was an awful lot of birds to host.

In these pics an adult bird is feeding a sunflower seed to a fledgling. I have only seen 1 fledgling at a time so I don't know if there is more than just the one. And I don't know if the adult bird is a parent or just an adult that is in the right place for begging. The fledglings are funny as they often perch right in the tray full of sunflower seeds and flutter their wings begging to be fed.
I have hosted post breeding Evening Grosbeak in the past but it has been some years since this species has brought their young back to my feeders. In the pic below the seed has been transferred to the fledgling and is visible in it's beak. SeEtta
The brief video clip below also shows a fledgling fluttering it's wings to beg the adult to feed it then being fed.


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