Possible Roseate Skimmer dragonfly at Holcim Wetlands
A few days ago a skilled birder and naturalist, Tony, found a dragonfly that is very rare in Colorado having only been seen on 4 occasions. As I birded my way back home from Pueblo,CO today I stopped at the Holcim Wetlands. I think I refound that dragonfly which is a Roseate Skimmer. The other dragonflies I saw were Pondhawks, at least one each male (blue) and female (green) and a number of bluets. So the purple-pink colored skimmer caught my attention as it sparred with the Pondhawks. Not only was it's abdomen purple-pink but so is it's thorax (looks dark in pic but was just as bright purple-pink as it's abdomen. This dragonfly was large, similar in size to the Pondhawks. The wings show the same pattern as shown on the photos of Roseate Skimmers on Bug Net. SeEtta