Rufous-necked Wood-Rail: a little closer and in good light

The Rufous-necked Wood-Rail only showed briefly and very early on Sunday morning so I drove up to the nearby mountains to look for birds there where the temperatures were a lot less than the mid-nineties they have been at Bosque del Apache NWR. When I returned in late afternoon the bird had been out for several hours giving it's usual great views to dozens more birders. It came closer to the far end where I was standing and the light was quite good when I got these photos.

I was able to crop these photos larger because the bird was closer. I really like getting these views of it's eyes--they look brownish or even rufous like it's plumage. I can finally see a little of it's whitish chin I have read about plus the following Cornell Lab's Neotropical Birds site: "Dull olive-green back with a triangular gray patch on base of nape." SeEtta


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